Pickleball at the Racquet Club
The Racquet Club has 6 dedicated pickleball courts. Play is free for a maximum of two owners per household. For others the cost is $140 pesos in the morning from 8am to 12 noon and $100 pesos in the afternoon. A day pass wristband can be purchased at the main office (cash only please).
A 30 punch card for pickleball can be purchased for $3,300 (cash only) or a 12 month "PicklePass" can be purchased for $15,000 (credit card only) at the main Raquet Club office
Open Play: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am or later, open games are organized for all levels.
Intermediate to Advanced Drop in: M-W-F from 8:30 am to 11:30 am Courts 1-4.
Play in the afternoon and on other days can be scheduled via the Global Pickleball Network. ​
Pickleball Lessons